From time to time it happens that I am called to people who are on the verge of dying.
One of these encounters remains unforgotten for me
because this dying woman didn't know that I was coming...
I was asked to come along to the hospital.
In the last few hours, the woman had been in a panic.
When I entered the room, she was lying there with her eyes closed.
Although she had not been able to articulate any consecutive words for some time, she immediately spoke loudly and clearly with a deep sigh:
We were speechless.
She didn´t know anything
and her eyes were closed...
So I dared to join her at the bedside, always keeping one eye on the door,
I didn't want to be seen.
Because I'm not a doctor, after all.
Actually, I would have touched her head with my hands, but that was too much of a risk for me.
So I decided to only touch her hand.
As soon as I did that,
she said in perfectly clear and loudly articulate words:
"Take my head in your hands."
I did
and within a very short time
peace came into being.
This woman gave me the greatest gift.
Whenever I was in doubt in the past,
I was allowed to remember her.
Thank you, Mütterchen...