Deeply moved by the events of the last few days ...
Another black man killed ... Countless before him ...
I am shaken tot he core...
As a white woman, I cannot imagine how black people must feel in our society... As long as I can remember I was bewildered that people hate and kill other people because of their origin, religion, skin color ...…
I remember watching the film 'Jesus of Nazareth' when I was ten years old.
Afterwards I was in the bathroom with my mother, preparing to go to bed.
I couldn't stop crying ... I kept asking her, "Why, mom, why ...?
Why do people kill other people just because they are different, believe different, look different ...? "
While I am writing these lines, tears keep running down my face.
 ... there it is again, the feeling of bewilderment...
And at the same time I feel such a great power in me, such a great love.
My faith allows me to know George Floyd is in a place where he has nothing to do with all that suffering ...
Family, relatives and friends remain in deep despair.
May they be held ...
May George Floyds death open the eyes of humanity.
We need to finally leave racism behind us.
May the wave of compassion that just goes around the world have a healing effect ...
Healing for the mourners so they can find their peace again ...
Above all, a healing effect for people who have disconnected from their true nature that they are able to hate so much ...
that they are able to act in this way ... 
What must be going on in a person...
how much hate ... how much suffering ... must be in a person
that they are able to bring such suffering onto other people ...
My thoughts keep going to this one police officer ...
How disastrous it must look inside of him ... what has he experienced ... that he is able to act like this ...
.... shaken to the core...
Love is the answer,
whatever the question is … !